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    2022-03-31 13:20  

      近日,信息检索国际顶级会议(SIGIR 2022)公布了录用论文列表,博士生张晓堃关于会话推荐(session-based recommendation)的研究成果被录取为长文。SIGIR是信息检索与数据挖掘领域的顶级会议,被CCF推荐为A类国际学术会议。这次会议共收到794篇有效长文投稿,仅有161篇长文被录用,录用率约20%。

    题目:Price DOES Matter! Modeling Price and Interest Preferences in Session-based Recommendation

    摘要:Session-based recommendation aims to predict items that an anonymous user would like to purchase based on her short behavior sequence. The current approaches towards session-based recommendation only focus on modeling users’ interest preferences, while they all ignore a key attribute of an item, i.e., the price. Many marketing studies have shown that the price factor significantly influences users’ purchase behaviors. Besides, economics research also points out that users’ purchase behaviors are mainly determined by both price and interest preferences simultaneously. However, it is nontrivial to incorporate price preferences for session-based recommendation. Firstly, it is hard to handle heterogeneous information from various features of items to capture users’ price preferences. Secondly, it is difficult to model the complex relations between price and interest preferences in determining user choices.

      To address the above challenges, we propose a novel method Co-guided Heterogeneous Hypergraph Network (CoHHN) for session-based recommendation. Towards the first challenge, we devise a heterogeneous hypergraph to represent heterogeneous information and rich relations among them. A dual-channel aggregating mechanism is then designed to aggregate various information in the heterogeneous hypergraph. After that, we extract users’ price preferences and interest preferences via attention layers. As to the second challenge, a co-guided learning scheme is designed to model the relations between price and interest preferences and enhance the learning of each other. Finally, we predict user actions based on item features and users’ price and interest preferences. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed CoHHN. Further analysis reveals the significance of price for session-based recommendation.


