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    2021-12-15 15:41  

    近日,硕士生孙逸的研究成果被IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (TCBB)录用,TCBB为CCF推荐期刊B类,SCI三区期刊。

      标题:Knowledge Guided Attention and Graph Convolutional Networks for Chemical-Disease Relation Extraction(知识引导注意力和图卷积网络的化学物-疾病关系抽取)

      摘要:The automatic extraction of the chemical-disease relation (CDR) from the text becomes critical because it takes a lot of time and effort to extract valuable CDR manually. Studies have shown that prior knowledge from the biomedical knowledge base is important for relation extraction. The method of combining deep learning models with prior knowledge is worthy of our study. In this paper, we propose a new model called Knowledge Guided Attention and Graph Convolutional Networks (KGAGN) for CDR extraction. First, to make full advantage of domain knowledge, we train entity embedding as a feature representation of input sequence, and relation embedding to capture weighted contextual information further through the attention mechanism. Then, to make full advantage of syntactic dependency information in cross-sentence CDR extraction, we construct document-level syntactic dependency graphs and encode them using a graph convolution network (GCN). Finally, the chemical-induced disease (CID) relation is extracted by using weighted context features and long-range dependency features both of which contain additional knowledge information We evaluated our model on the CDR dataset published by the BioCreative-V community and achieves an F1-score of 73.3%, surpassing other state-of-the-art methods. 

